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8 (800) 201-09-79
8 (4812) 30-23-23
09:00 - 18:00
Fiberglassmesh MASTER 160 – 165 g

Fiberglassmesh MASTER 160 g

A facade reinforcement alkali-resistant mesh MASTER is a fiberglass mesh in woven form. It’s sized with polymeric composition to protect the glass fibers from alkaline corrosion and is designed for external and interior plastering (according to GOST R 55225-2017 Reinforcing Alkali-resistant Meshes of Glass Fibre for Building Faces).


Cell, mm Density g/sq. m Tensile strength, H Roll, sq. m
5х5 160 2000 / 2000 50
5х5 145 1800 /1500 50

The facade fiberglass mesh is designed for reliable reinforcement of the plaster layer on the building’s external walls. It has a number of distinctive characteristics which guarantee high stability and reliability of the plaster coating:

  • has high resistance to tearing and stretching;
  • contributes to overcoming internal stresses caused by sudden changes in temperature and humidity;
  • is highly resistant to alkaline components even in conditions of high humidity, due to special polymer processing;
  • protects the plaster layer surface from cracking under all climatic conditions.

The products have all the necessary approval documentation for their employment in construction activities in the Russian Federation.


Related products:

A profile used as a starting support lath for heat-insulating boards in ETICS. It’s installed horizontally along the perimeter of the building with a special hardware kit (dowel, connector, compensator). The profile takes the load of insulation boards, provides the removal of moisture from the system. Plastering of the hard-to-reach lower edge insulation is not required.


Tubular plaster MASTER mesh is produced from glass thread and fiberglass rovings in cross weave with 4 mm cell size and 10-110 cm width.

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